AI Assistant

Empower your teams with instant access to knowledge on the go

Our Wiki & AI Assistant are the easiest way for your teams to access knowledge on the go.

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AI Assistant

Empower your teams with instant access to knowledge on the go

Our Wiki & AI Assistant are the easiest way for your teams to access knowledge on the go.

Available on

AI Assistant

Empower your teams with instant access to knowledge on the go

Our Wiki & AI Assistant are the easiest way for your teams to access knowledge on the go.

Available on

The Problem

Poor information access undermines your team's effectiveness.

Frontline teams often can't find the information they need because it's buried in inboxes or SharePoint. This leads to delays as they wait for responses from busy team leads, lowering productivity and increasing the risk of mistakes.

The Solution

Our AI Assistant & Wiki instantly provide critical info when and where it's needed.

Elephant Wiki

All your important documents, just one click away.

Connect your knowledge base or import PDFs, Videos and more to provide your teams with a simple but powerful Wiki that makes finding the right document super easy.

AI Assistant

Instant answers to any question with our AI-powered chatbot.

Our AI-Assistant answers any questions your teams have in seconds, using only your company knowledge. The source documents are also shown, so teams can refer to your official documentation.

Built to make your teams
more productive

Results we achieved with our customers




Decrease of support

Decrease of support

Decrease of support






Decrease of time spent
waiting for information

Decrease of time spent
waiting for information

Decrease of time spent
waiting for information

What are the Benefits of our
AI Assistant?

Increase Quality

Improve process adherence, leading to higher operational excellence and fewer errors.

Reduce Support Load

Answer most questions your teamleads would need to answer otherwise.

Reduce waiting times

Reduce time your teams spend on waiting for answers, boost productivity instead.

More confident teams

Boost frontline team confidence as they can solve more problems themselves.

Lower Training Costs

Minimize the need for in-person trainings by providing knowledge on demand.

Uncover Knowledge Gaps

Analyse what your teams are asking and gain actionable insights.

Set it up in minutes.

Easily connect your existing knowledge base

Set it up in minutes.

Easily connect your existing knowledge base


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